![Law Society of Singapore wants M Ravi to stop lawyering]()
Prominent subversive lawyer M Ravi has been all over the news in recent weeks, with an announcement to contest in the next General Elections and his frustration with his client, the political activist Roy Ngerng, but this one comes as an unexpected notice — The Law Society of Singapore has ordered him to stop his legal practice.
The order follows a pending medical examination after Ravi was found to be mentally unfit to practise law, TODAY reports. Reportedly, he had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2006, with episodes of mania and depression. He was subsequently suspended from practising for a year.
Speaking to TODAY however, the surprised Ravi maintains that his doctor did not declare him unfit for practice recently, and that his monthly medical report was submitted two weeks ago without any mention of instability.
He is consulting his psychiatrist to look into the matter.
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