Now everyone in the world is going to think we're a nation of geeks! Just kidding.
Nearly a month after the mind-bending Singapore high school maths problem went viral, the world is now talking about the C++ Sudoku solver written by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.
He posted the code on Facebook page on Monday.
"I told the Founders Forum two weeks ago that the last computer program I wrote was a Sudoku solver, written in C++ several years ago. Someone asked me for it. Here is the source code, the exe file, and a sample printout," he wrote. "Hope you have fun playing with this. Please tell me if you find any bugs!"
This doesn't surprise us, of course.
After all, PM Lee has a diploma in Computer Science (with his first class honours in Mathematics) from Trinity College in Cambridge and has two children who graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Now, excuse us as we go back to our Candy Crush.
Photo via Facebook