![Maid who cleaned canal actually volunteered to do it, enjoys good relationship with employers]()
Though many netizens were outraged at the fact that an employer had ordered his domestic helper go beyond the call of duty and clean up an actual public canal, the maid in subject has come out to say that it is all a huge misunderstanding.
Speaking to The New Paper, the Filipino native insists that in no way was she badly treated or forced to carry out the bizarre chores. That stunt in the canal? It was a one-off thing that she offered to do.
Sharing a close relationship with her employers, the 26-year-old domestic helper had volunteered to clear the build-up of leaves from the canal at Colchestor Grove, as her elderly employer wanted to do it himself. The picture shot by the Lianhe Wanbao reader (above) did not show that he was actually supervising her nearby and even helped her down when she was climbing into the canal.
Regarding residents spotting her cleaning plant leaves at a nearby park, she says that she was removing stagnant water from the plants to prevent mosquitoes from breeding.
In the report, the Filipina emphasises that she gets along very well with her 67-year-old employer and his 58-year-old wife. She gets plenty of welfare — including off days on Sundays, eating out at restaurants and watching TV at her own time after chores.
Despite the lack of malicious intent, the Ministry of Manpower are looking into the reported case, as employers have to ensure that foreign domestic workers only perform household and domestic duties.
Photo: My Paper
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