In a post by blogger Jerome Lim published on Monday, the intrepid adventurer seems to have uncovered an abandoned bunker in Southern Singapore and — gasp — found a dusty old wooden crate with Tiger Beer logos emblazoned on its sides.
The intriguing contents included memorabilia from the '50s and '60s complete with photographs, vintage Tiger beer cans, rusty chain and shackles and other artefacts.
Found an old Tiger Beer crate inside #unseensg #singapore #sgmemory
A photo posted by Jerome Lim (@jeronimoloco) on Mar 1, 2015 at 10:20pm PST
Local humour site SGAG has taken an especially particular interest in the discovery as well, calling it the #SibehCreepyBunker.
Would have made an interesting story, if it wasn't such a blatant viral campaign.
The crate wasn't there before. If it really is an ancient artefact, someone would have found it way before Jerome Lim. Someone placed that wooden crate there recently.
Decades old and still the feathers haven't decomposed? And it's not even stained from years in that old bunker. Nice touch on the vintage Tiger beer cans though, they look exactly like those from 1965. But that gold foil on the beer bottle? They didn't even appear until 2005.
As for the broken shackles, one needs only to hark back to the latest Tiger ad campaign called... #UNCAGE.
Our guess is that this is part of Tiger beer's campaign for SG50, especially since that beer can came out in 1965, the year of Singapore's independence. They might even be selling some special edition vintage bottles to pay homage to over five decades of that good old Tiger brew.
Nice try guys.
Photo: @jeronimoloco Instagram screengrab; SGAG; Beerbeer.org; Tiger Beer Facebook page