![Singapore second lowest in Asia in workplace gender diversity]()
Singapore has yet to see more Sheryl Sandbergs in the workplace, as shown by the 2015 Hays Asia Salary Guide published yesterday.
The survey was conducted across five Asian countries – China, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and Malaysia – by recruitment company Hays Asia where 2,361 organisations and about 4 million employees were involved.
Results revealed that women in Singapore hold 27 per cent of management positions, a number that has remained unchanged since previous years.
Leading the list of countries is China, with women holding 36 per cent holding management roles. Coming in second is Malaysia at 33 per cent, compared to 29 per cent in 2014. The only country that saw a decrease in numbers was Hong Kong, from 33 per cent in 2014 to 31 per cent this year.
Hays claims Japan is still “falling behind in the diversity stakes”, with 19 per cent of management positions held by women, though a better fare from 2014's 15 per cent.
Collectively, women from the five countries hold 29 per cent of management positions, an increase from 28 per cent in 2014.
“It seems remarkable in this day and age, given all the research espousing the benefits of a gender diverse workforce, that women are not equally represented in leadership positions, and supported and encouraged to reach their career goals.” says Managing Director of Hays in Asia Christine Wright.
Wright believes it requires workplaces to “embrace flexible working practices, highlight female role models, change organisational policy in support of gender diversity, and give better board backing for diversity issues" to achieve gender equality.
She advocates the use of performance-related promotional policies in organisations. “This ensures that people are promoted based on their performance alone. It also helps build a culture of meritocracy and helps to remove unconscious bias from the decision making process,” she remarked.
Photo: Jin Guan KOH via Flickr
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