![Rudepackets — one way to survive weddings in Singapore]()
Weddings. We all know the drill:
Minutes before you have to leave for the venue, you struggle to calculate how much of your salary you're willing to part with, then struggle looking for a packet to put the money in. You arrive at the registration table to find a box filled with packets that look just like yours and wish you'd thought of a way to stand out — you're just about to give them two months' worth of insurance premiums, after all. While you're thinking of a polite way to tell the host this, the person behind you asks for a pen, saying, "I put in $500 ah, must let them know it's me." $500?! Change of plans. You get your table number and try to shuffle away before anyone finds out the thinnest packet belongs to you, but another host gets in your way. "Excuse me, would you like to sign the guestbook?" Goddang it!
Luckily, we now have Rudepackets, a red packet alternative that has space on the back for a message, so you can 1) make sure they know how much 'cover charge' you're paying 2) apologise for being broke and only leaving a gift voucher or 3) guiltlessly ignore the smarmy guestbook girl.
To stand out, the envelopes comes in three cheeky printed options: "Congratulations — Here is your advance baby bonus", This is 1% of your COE" and You've planned a wedding and still love each other". Reminder: There's a lot more space for your to leave your own sarkie version of felicitations. Some ideas: "I can't take anymore taxis this month, thanks to you", "ls my name on the pre-nup?", "You're making a big mistake — your first beer of regret is on me"...
Rudepackets come in sets of five, 10, 15 and 35 and start at $12.
Order on Naiise.