![Spoilsports: ‘Purge Prank’ video producers advised by police]()
What would you do if someone wearing a mask comes at you with a parang? Call police lah.
That's exactly what some people did after being pranked by the folks of MerlionTV, who carried out carried out pranks inspired by the anarchist inclinations of The Purge, striking fear into the hearts of Singapore residents for our amusement.
What started out as a disturbing but harmless prank has not turned into a serious police case, as the Singapore Police Force posted on their Facebook page today about receiving several reports lodged against the viral YouTube video, which as of writing has garnered over 160,00 views.
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Post by Singapore Police Force.
Most netizens expressed their full support for the crackdown on the pranksters, while many others disagree, saying that Singapore should lighten up. What's important to note is that the police themselves have advised against staging stunts that could "generate unnecessary alarm, fear and panic in the community"— could this mean the end of all scary pranks in Singapore?
Photo: YouTube video screengrab
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