To celebrate the nation’s jubilee next year, the Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) and innovation community UP Singapore have issued an open invitation for all to tell the Singapore Story using hard data.
Participants are invited to gather information through the government’s numerous open data catalogues to visualise data and chart the country’s progress throughout the past five decades of our independence and beyond.
It’s a clear indicator of the government’s support of the Open Data movement - the idea that data and information should be freely available to everyone to access and utilise without any restriction. While not a new concept, the movement has been gaining popularity over the past decade as the Internet and the World Wide Web steadily increases its dominance in every aspect of our lives.
As such, the Singapore government launched their own open data initiative back in 2011 with data.gov.sg, publicly sharing catalogues of raw nation-wide statistics and information from changes in bus fares to annual CPF contributions, and even 3G mobile subscriptions - all of which are updated as frequently as possible.
With the open invitation issued, the gesture is explicit - that the Singapore government is leaping forward into the future as an administration that wants to make its citizens aware of their increasing transparency and openness in all processes. Currently we rank 49th on the open data index (UK, USA and Norway in the top three) due to the lack of public information on government spending, but hopefully after Singapore turns 50 we’ll fix our flaws and advance further into the information age.
Photo: UP Singapore Facebook Page
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