If there's one videoclip that can summarise the whole Amos Yee saga accurately, this is not it.
But if you want some hilarious, intentionally bad CGI and skewered analysis of the how the teen rose to nationwide infamy, then popular YouTube channel Taiwanese Animators have got you covered.
There are simply too much farcical scenes in this video, including:
- The Amos Yee character literally has big cojones, depicted as spheres emblazoned with the Singapore flag.
- Yee has bigger balls than presumably the late statesman Lee Kuan Yew and his son — and current prime minister — Lee Hsien Loong.
- Both Lees possess iron fists.
- Singaporeans are zombies, but are cured by Yee's anti-Lee Kuan Yew rant (which got him into trouble in the first place).
- Both the caricatures of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and his wife Ho Ching standing on top of a tower made of money.
- Yee literally drops an F-bomb.
- Zombie Singaporeans licking the late Lee Kuan Yew's balls.
- Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong locking Yee up and throwing away the key. A fat Power Ranger breaks the teen out of prison though
- Yee and the Fat Ranger ride atop of a Zord, which steps on the Prime Minister and kicks the late statesman into oblivion.