![Father sentenced to 2 weeks in jail for lying about home address]()
In a bizarrely Singaporean process of justice, a father of three was sentenced to two weeks in jail for lying about his home address so that his daughter would be eligible to enrol in a prestigious school.
In 2013, he claimed that his house was within the 2km boundary of the desired school, and even produced an identity card showing the address, The New Paper reports.
When officers from the Ministry of Education made a house visit last December, it was found that the address given was actually an apartment leased to an American man. The father and his family actually lived elsewhere.
During sentencing, the district judge maintained that a maximum fine would not be sufficient for deterrence as the nature of the crime was hard to detect.
For providing false information to a public servant, the father could have been jailed up to a year and/or fined up to $5,000.
Photo: Victor via Flickr
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