![Contractor jailed 4 months for assaulting parking enforcement officer after friend gets 'saman']()
Working as one of the most hated professions in Singapore certainly is a thankless job, but one parking enforcement officer got his appreciation by way of a wooden rod swung straight at him.
The incident, which took place in January last year at Banda Street near Chinatown, saw 30-year-old Victor Kumaran being assaulted by a particularly hostile errant motorist, 47-year-old contractor Ong Chuan Soon, The New Paper reports.
Kumaran had been carrying out carpark enforcement duties along Banda Street, issuing summons to vehicles illegally parked along the roadside. He spotted a car and a lorry parked on double yellow line demarcation — meaning no parking at all times on the road. He warned the vehicle owners to move off or get a summon.
Five hours later, he returned to the same spot only to find that both vehicles were still parked blatantly there. Kumaran issued $80 summons each, even as one of the vehicle's owner pleaded and tried to argue his case.
Ong, the vehicle owner's friend, then picked up an iron rod and threatened Kumaran with abusive words and would have attacked him if his friends didn't hold him back.
The officer then decided to take photos of Ong in case the police needed them for investigations. The riled up Ong then burst in anger again, picking up a 1.6m-long wooden pole and started swinging it at Kumaran. By the time the police arrived after they were alerted, Ong had left.
At Singapore General Hospital, it was revealed that Kumaran suffered bruises on his left elbow and fingers and was given a two-day medical leave.
In court last Friday, Ong was given a jail sentence of four months after pleading guilty to one count of voluntarily causing hurt with an instrument that was used as a weapon. Ong however expressed remorse over the incident and gave Kumaran $108 in compensation.
Photo: kdingo via Flickr
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