![Singaporeans get some of the least sleep in the world: Jawbone study]()
Singaporeans are some of the most sleep-deprived people in the world, according to a Jawbone study.
The statistics are are derived from the usage of UP by Jawbone, a digital wristband that tracks your activity, diet and sleep.
Singaporeans on average get six hours and 32 mins of sleep per night, putting us among the top five cities in the world to get the least amount of sleep.
Topping the list is Tokyo, which clocks in five hours and 46 mins per night on average. South Korea follows close behind at five hours and 55 minutes.
According to the data, people in Melbourne, Australia get the most amount of shut-eye a night: seven hours and five minutes. The findings also show that in Brisbane, people sleep and rise the earliest.
The study doesn’t state how many countries were involved in the experiment.
Photo: Lady May Pamintuan via Wylio